Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Pure Amusement

Everone likes a good entertaining video. It can give some people a moment of hysterical laughter or a moment of amusement which may be later passed onto someone else.
I'm passing this video on to you guys for pure amusement. A friend showed me this video a while ago and when I think about it today, it stil brings a smile to my face.

What I love about this video is that it is a child face who's goes from pure joy at his parents laughter to a serious look from the urging of his parents. Then the child just laughs it off and does it again.
Do you agree or is there something else you like about this video? Or do you not care for it?
I hope that this video brought a smile to your face and maybe you'll pass it on to someone else!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

R-Rated Movies

Has anyone ever seen the first King Kong movie? The black and white film made in the 1930's? Would you believe me if I told you that, back in the day, when people first saw this film, they were terrified of this giant gorrilla? When people look at the film these days, they see a stuffed animal hobbling around on the screen. What's my point? People are growing up quickly and are becoming accustomed to new technology and special effects that are used to try and scare us.
What's really my point: The age to see an R-rated movie should be lowered.
What is it that bans teens under the age of seventeen from seeing an R-rated movie? It's nudity, violence, gore, strong language, and a few other things.
But what stops teens from seeing these things in everyday life?
There is one big source for all teens who are curious about any of these. It's called the internet. Yes, your parents may blocked you from some web pages but teens are smarter than that. They have friends, some may be older, who, with some persuasion, can get them what they want. It's not a difficult task.
I believe that 16 is a good age to see R-rated movies. If they choose to go, it is their decision on what they want to see.
Do you agree?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Could you fit into that dress? Do you want to?

This is obviously an advertisment for SISLEY. Underneath the name, it says FASHION JUNKIE. This advertisement is saying that these girls would do anything to fit into that dress.

There is a problem with this advertisement. The girls are holding some kind of straw to suck up that dress. Yes, it furthers the point that they really want this dress by trying to snort it in, but the snorting is the problem.

This is drug related. If you look by the white gown, you'll see a little package filled with something white. I see it as cocaine and I'm sure many others before me, who have seen this, agree.

Now, really look at these girls. Do they look a little zombie-like to you? Sick? Really skinny too? These girls look like they are starving themselves in other to fit into that dress. The cocaine dress is having an effect on their bodies.

I say, bravo to the advertisement because they really got the meaning out: These girls would do anything to fit into this dress. They went to far, however. Would you risk the hazards of snorting up cocaine to help fit into that dress?

Interview with a Lesbian

I met Cassy (pronounced Casey) Ellsworth a few months ago in a college class. We immediately clicked because of our energetic and outgoing personalities. Not too long after meeting her, I learned that she was a lesbian.
I had never given much thought to the gay community before I met her. All I had really thought about was that gay people should be allowed to get married to whomever they want to. I knew that they were discriminated against but I never thought that a parent could be the one who discriminated against their child until Cassy told me a little bit about her relationship with her parents.
"I was attracted to girls around the age of nineteen, when I moved out of my parents house." Cassy told me as we sat down on a comfortable green suede couch. She told me that her father was a Baptist Pastor and her mother, a Pastor's wife. When I heard this, I immediately knew that there would be some clashing between her sexuality and the church.
I asked her about how her relationship was with her parents and she told me that she had a civil relationship with her parents. They talk every few months but Cassy said she never gives out anything personal because her parents disagree with her lifestyle and think that she should go to hell.
Cassy told me that her mother sent her a letter once saying that it was like watching her child drown. The mother said that she would want to save Cassy because she is her child, but at the same time, the mother dislikes Cassy's sexuality and would not want to save her.
After hearing this, my immediate thought was, ouch. I asked her how this made her feel and she told me that she was twenty three and has had a few years to accept how her parents feel about her.
I never thought that a parent could discriminate against their child. I find it to be a sad story that she told me. To have someone there with you while you grow up but to never have a good connection with them is a different way of starting and finishing life.

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Office

I know a lot of people who hate their 9-5 cubical job and why not? It's not their dream job but it pays the bills.
I am among the many cubical workers who get up early everyday to go to a job that may be far away, like myself with an hour and a half commute, or a much smaller distance.
Sitting here in my corner of the office, I see an L-shaped cream colored desk cluttered with papers, sticky notes, and other office supplies such as a stapler or a tape dispenser. The large computer screen sits in front of me, displaying today's excel spreadsheet and the blog on which I type. On the corner of the monitor, there is a little miror taped there that shows me what's going on in the background. Mostly, I see a large white fax machine, a small six person conference table and two doors. One leads to my bosses office and the other to the main hallway.
As I sit here, I can hear steady footsteps in the distance that get louder as they come closer to the office I work in and fade away the farther away they go down the hall or hush suddenly when the feet hit carpet. I can hear the quiet tapping of keys in my bosses office and the occasional ring of the phone and then the low chatter. I hear the hum of my laptop and the air conditioning and when I move to type more on this screen, I hear the fabric of my jacket rubbing together.
I feel the hair against my neck and the hard keys beneath my fingers. I feel the bandade on the top of my pointer finger shift a little as it hits the keys. I feel my high heels rub against the back of my foot as I move it.
I don't smell to many things at this time of day. It is neither breakfast nor lunch so all I smell is the paper that I work with everyday or a cup of coffee or tea everyonce in a while.
Here at the office, I find myself in my own little quiet world. I concentrate on what's in front of me till it's time to go. Some days are longer than others and some are filled with more exciting smells, sights, and sounds. Everyday is a new day and everyday that I work here, I get the bills paid. It's not my dream job, but there are days when this quiet place today really comes alive.