Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Could you fit into that dress? Do you want to?

This is obviously an advertisment for SISLEY. Underneath the name, it says FASHION JUNKIE. This advertisement is saying that these girls would do anything to fit into that dress.

There is a problem with this advertisement. The girls are holding some kind of straw to suck up that dress. Yes, it furthers the point that they really want this dress by trying to snort it in, but the snorting is the problem.

This is drug related. If you look by the white gown, you'll see a little package filled with something white. I see it as cocaine and I'm sure many others before me, who have seen this, agree.

Now, really look at these girls. Do they look a little zombie-like to you? Sick? Really skinny too? These girls look like they are starving themselves in other to fit into that dress. The cocaine dress is having an effect on their bodies.

I say, bravo to the advertisement because they really got the meaning out: These girls would do anything to fit into this dress. They went to far, however. Would you risk the hazards of snorting up cocaine to help fit into that dress?


  1. I believe that for anybody, getting to the extreme of drugs, is a little desperate. I'm sure that the girls could find a different way to get into the dress, the thought that they are using cocaine to be able to fit into the dress is extreme, and that they also have no patience, to get thinner, a healthy way.
    Good job Stephanie!

  2. I think the image you chose is especially important for our generations exceedingly common self-image dysfunctions. You make a powerful point by demonstrating how far some people are willing to go to "look good." As you mentioned these girls don't look beautiful to me. Some people get a distorted self-image that drives them to further and further extremes to attain either, perfection as they interpret it or an image of another person they would like to look like. The problem of low self-esteem or a poor self-image is not reserved specifically for females although more prevalent for young women than anyone else. Many males resort to drugs like steroids to enhance their performance in the gym and attain a more muscular physique. Some men also find an obsession in "looking good." Similar to these women who end up looking unhealthy in their pursuit of beauty, some overly muscle bound men end up looking strange. I enjoyed your article and the accompanying picture. This is a pertinent reminder to be happy with who you are and to value a healthy lifestyle over "looking good."

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